Whether you’re planning for college, a first career, or a new career, we have options to help you make the most of your free time.
Featured Course: Job Joy Journey
A Comprehensive, Achievement-Level Course
20 Hours of consultant time plus many extras
YouScience Assessment
Career Sketch Course
Discovery Phase: In-depth (2-3 hours) assessments, full customized report. Choose your level of coaching support.
Exploration Phase: Career Sketch Workbook available as download or printed booklet. Choose your level of support.
Effective Resume Writing
Interview Skills Course
Achievement Phase: Free template and webinar. Other services available on request.
Achievement Phase: Free resources. Hourly coaching add-on available.
Career Fit
Kickstart your journey with a comprehensive assessment of your strengths and interests. You’ll get a full report and ongoing access to the YouScience platform for resources to guide your career and educational decisions.
Personalized coaching can be purchased as part of a package or separately, to help you interpret your YouScience results and design the achievements that help you validate and demonstrate your fit for the opportunities you want to pursue.
When you select an appropriate certificate to pursue, you can learn valuable skills and gain expertise that’s relevant for the path you want to pursue. You’ll also strengthen your resume.
Whether your goal is to get your first job, make a job or career transition, to earn a coveted opportunity, or to gain acceptance to a competitve college or major, our programs can help you build and demonstrate your fit.
Enjoy working on your own? Get access to our Explorer Platform.
Explorer Platform
Built on the Maia Learning system used by elite private schools around the world, our Explorer Platform will help you plan for college at your own pace and in your own way.